Inside the beloved companies, they decide to believe. Trust and belief are cornerstones of their relationships.
By deciding to trust customers, beloved companies are freed from extra rules, policies, and layers of bureaucracy that create a barrier between them and their customers.
By deciding to believe that employees can and will do the right thing, second-guessing, reviewing every action, and the diminishing ability of employees to think on their feet is replaced with shared energy, ideas, and a desire to stick around.
Believing, the act of honoring and trusting is a unique and special characteristic that sets beloved companies apart. It makes them human. And it bonds people to them.
Your decisions grounded in belief prove how much you honor customers and employees. They say how fearless you are in suspending cynicism. They indicate whether you nurture people and relationships to their full potential. What you decide to believe defines the spirit inside your organization. And it sets the tone for your interactions with customers. Search within your organization for these indicators of your ability to believe:
Decision 1: Decide to Believe in Customers and Employees
Are You Transparent with Your Customers?Do You Fan the Flames of Trust?
Do You Practice Democratic Decision Making?
Do You Believe Customers Are an Asset or a Cost Center?
What’s Your Power Source for Bonding with Customers?
Do You Dare to Bare What Your Customers Share?
Is Your “Trusting Cup” Half Full or Half Empty?
Are You Hiring Partners or Filling Positions?
Who Has a Seat at Your Table?
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