Happy holidays! I know many of us are enjoying some much needed time off and preparing our calendars and agendas for the New Year; so while you take this time to wind down, I’m sharing a replay of the conversation I had with Dutta Satadip earlier this year when he was still at Pinterest.
Dutta is now the Chief Customer Officer of ActiveCampaign, but as the Global Head of Customer Operations at Pinterest, Dutta shared valuable insights regarding how a b2c and b2b digital platform with millions of users all over the world improves customer experience through coordinated operational efforts. More and more organizations are relying on digital platforms to facilitate their customer experience, and we’ve definitely seen this shift with the onset of the pandemic. So whether you’re a leader at a b2c or a b2b organization, I’m sure you’ll find some nuggets of information that might spark a new thought or way of doing things with your own team.
Again, I’d just like to say thank you for all of your support during this year, for following me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and for watching my live interviews. I look forward to sharing even more valuable conversations with you next year!
Find a Process You Can Streamline
When it comes to customer success at Pinterest, Dutta shared in this conversation that internally, they realized their initial process of serving customers was fractured. There was the realization that one part of the service may have been great, but another wasn’t up to par. Dutta said, “The aha moment that we had was, you know, how many times have any of us gone on the web, found something, bought something, and then tried to return and had a poor customer experience?”
For Dutta and his team, it was important that they operationalized trust for the customers. He wanted to ensure it would be easy for folks to get their catalog onto Pinterest and create a smooth experience for users. Dutta learned that they had to create standards of performance for the business customers who were using Pinterest as a shopping catalog for an end user. This led his team to create a program called the verified merchant program. With this program, the team manually curated the merchants who they believed would be a good fit for the platform. Being selective about who partner with and who represents your brand is important when it comes to an organization’s reputation.
As business leaders, you need to create standards of performance for your teams and products. — @duttas, @pinterest #customerexperience #leadership Share on X
Next, Ensure You Have Proper Support
In order to support the streamlining process, Dutta explained that they created a Product Operations team to help keep the flow of work organized. He shared that this team at Pinterest makes sure that the products they create meet the needs of the customers. They spent time experimenting with different things, solving problems, and testing before the customers use it. They helped graduate products from the incubation stage to the general release stage.
From call solutions engineering to cross functional teams, Dutta worked very hard with his employees at Pinterest to keep the platform running smoothly for both customers and employees.
Ensure that the products you create meet the needs of your customers. — @duttas, @pinterest #customerexperience #leadership Share on X
For more insights, read the original show notes here: How to Use Data to Problem-Solve, Develop Roadmaps, and Determine Priorities with Dutta Satadip of Pinterest
About Dutta Satadip
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