In the course of working with different companies throughout my career, I’ve found that leaders focused on serving customers’ lives as a way to grow their business often begin with an uncommon attitude. This attitude, in turn, leads to uncommon behaviors that build beloved companies. In the process, when these leaders speak and give interviews, they produce some amazing customer experience quotes.
Here are a few of the people and customer experience quotes that embrace this attitude and approach to human centered business growth.
1.) Worry About Being Better
This is the man and the attitude that launched my own career. In my opinion, this customer experience quote is the backbone of how companies should think about business growth.
2.) Develop A Core Value System
For beloved companies, their ‘Moment of Greatness’ is not contained with ‘The Action.’ It’s the decision that allows the action to occur. Roy Disney embraces this in these words.
Beloved companies take the time to define a core value system to guide all their decisions. This unites everyone in how they guide decisions and what they will — and will not — do to grow the business.
3.) Clarity of Purpose
Helen Keller shows her unexpected chops for customer experience in this quote — which guided her life and inspired so many. This is about having a ‘clarity of purpose’ for what your company does to improve customers’ lives. Companies need this to unite the silos. The goal is to elevate people’s jobs from executing tasks to delivering an experience customers want to have again.
4.) Enabling Your People To Be Real
5.) Striving For Excellence
Mediocrity in service and customer experiences don’t cut it. The middle of the road — i.e. just doing what’s expected — is not enough in a world of social media where customers have the megaphone and are talking about how you improve their lives. Don’t let your people accept that ‘middle of the road’ mediocrity is OK.
6.) Humility
The act of putting a customer’s life back together again requires grace and wisdom when the chips are down — not accusations and skirting accountability. Leaders’ behaviors in enabling the company to apologize well and mend the customer relationship is a company’s humanity litmus test.
7.) Leadership
These are Tony’s words from the afterword of my book I Love You More Than My Dog, and truer words were never spoken. Tony guides Zappos based on core values and an impassioned and unwavering dedication to the behaviors he wants to embed in the company he leads. One of the common denominators of the leaders in beloved companies is their deliberate and clear path. I believe it’s one of the most winning components to Zappos’ success.
8.) Respect
Colleen went from being Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher’s personal assistant to the eventual President and CEO of Southwest Airlines. She’s honestly one of my personal heroes. She believes as I do — namely, what’s on the inside of the company shows up on the outside to customers. Pure and sustainable growth breeds strongest in an environment where people are rewarded for doing what’s right. Customer love is a reward for what some consider irrational business behavior. Those companies start with the golden rule and let it guide their behavior, and their path to growth.
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