Earlier this year, Forrester released its report, The US Customer Experience Index, 2019. Forrester Chief Research Officer Carrie Johnson said, of these findings, “How an experience makes customers feel has a bigger influence on their brand loyalty than any other factor.”
And yet, this report found that while 14% of brand scores rose, 5% of scores declined and an incredible 81% stagnated. As increased emphasis falls on customer experience to impact loyalty, customer experience executives (CCOs, CXOs) must take a leadership role in driving company culture through actions that improve CX—in order to achieve customer-driven growth.
Now, more than ever, the 5 competencies that I introduced in my best-selling book, Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine must be revisited as the foundation of our work.
As a Chief Customer Officer (or Customer Experience Executive), you must work with the board, the C-Suite, and across the organization to embed behaviors and actions that unite silo-based organizations in focusing on priorities in customers’ lives. This manner of doing business honors employees and customers, resulting in a sustainable, repeatable and deliberate one-company approach to growth.
Here’s a checklist of 28 actions that you can refer to within the 5 competencies, to help you bring your teams together and lead them to success.
Honor and Manage Customers as Assets of the Business
☑ Enable and inspire decision-making driven by honoring customers as assets.
☑ Elevate customer growth/loss as a success metric of the business.
☑ Build one-company definitions of customer segments, customers to invest in.
☑ Establish behavioral indicators of growth or loss of relationship.
☑ Unite leadership in customer-asset growth definition and communication.
Align Around Experience: Unite the Organization to Deliver Valued Customer Experiences
☑ Lead one-company prioritization of investment on high-impact experiences.
☑ Establish one-company journey maps and identification of priority experiences.
☑ Create a common language set and definitions for the customer experience.
☑ Unite the organization of the evaluation of experience reliability performance.
☑ Help leaders deliver united communication and focus on experiences.
Build a Customer Listening Path: Establish Active Customer Listening and Understanding
☑ Be the storyteller of customers’ lives.
☑ Define what customers value and understand evolving needs.
☑ United aided and unaided feedback, such as surveys to tell a one-company customer story.
☑ Align multiple sources of customer feedback to the customer journey.
☑ Create a united platform for understanding customers’ lives & focused action.
Be Proactive About Experience Reliability and Innovation
☑ Embed skills to understand and improve priority experiences.
☑ Build a customer experience development process to enable cross-company teams to improve unreliable and innovation opportunity experiences.
☑ Teach teams to build reliability metrics for priority experiences.
☑ Elevate priority process metrics in critical experiences to earn C-suite focus.
☑ Manage priority experience processes proactively to earn customer growth.
☑ Identify and focus on customer behavior movement as a result of priority experiences to establish connection and ROI to customer-driven growth.
One-Company Leadership, Accountability, and Decisions
☑ Unite leaders in focusing the organization on improving customers’ lives.
☑ Engage leaders personally in the build-out of the competencies.
☑ Unite leadership communication and messaging.
☑ Enable employees to deliver value. Get rid of stupid rules and barriers.
☑ Establish experiential learning for walking in the customers’ shoes.
☑ Drive rigorous communication and engagement.
☑ Unite leaders in building a lens for decision-making that begins with growing customers as assets.
Here are 28 actions that every #CCO can take to lead their organization to customer-driven success. #customerexperience #leadership Share on X
If you want to learn more about the specific role of the Chief Customer Officer, along with specific tactics to implement in your organization, might I suggest a copy of Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine? You’ll find checklists like this, and more resources to guide you along your journey.
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