You can recognize disconnected silo agendas at work when short-term revenue requirements compromise long-term revenue efforts. It’s when lack of clarity on what’s really important to differentiate the company for the customer is not understood the same way by everyone who needs to know. And it’s when there is an imbalance between the culture to drive revenue and the understanding and purpose of including customer investment to meet those goals.
The shorthand for the CCO role is to be that duct tape to connect the silos by reframing the work of the business through the lens of how the customer experiences your company.
Take Action: Download How to Reduce Dueling Silos
The key to this work is to be high on operational relevance and low on the “Kumbaya” or lip service.
1. Unite the Operation from the Customer Experience Perspective
2. Identify Cross-Silo Dependencies
3. Evaluate the Silo Impact Across the Customer Experience
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