Attitudes and actions embody what is behind beloved companies. They take what informs their personal decisions with them into business. Here are three “get real” actions to build front line relationships with customers:
1. Get rid of the jargon in how you talk to and about customers.
Take Action: Practice Getting Rid of the Jargon
2. Create a hiring process unique to your business.
Read More: Word of Mouth Builds the Business
Amy’s Ice Creams in Austin, Texas, is beloved for two things: the ice cream and the floor show. At Amy’s, applicants receive a white paper bag that must be brought back within a week and must turned into a creation that tells Amy’s about who they are. From this white paper bag, Amy’s finds the personalities that will serve and help the customers who visit their shops.
3. Start all new hire orientation with a walk in your customer’s shoes.
Read More: Do You Walk in Your Customers Shoes?
How you engage your team in understanding the lives of your customers is one of the things that differentiates the “beloved” company for the “everyday” company.
Listen to Jeanne discuss three actions for putting humanity on the line in how you do business.
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